


Help Us to Help Them

Your donation supports the needed research governments use to make policy changes. These policies promote social cohesion and prevent domestic violence.

Our research projects are conducted by specialist academics and are peer-reviewed and journal-published.

We use this research to network with policymakers to advocate the lived experience of our migrant population. The results of this include implementing relevant policies that will reduce domestic violence and enhance social cohesion.

Action Research Centre Ltd. is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient
(ABN 49 641 992 243) with charity status.

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.



Your support for Action Research Centre Ltd helps to make a difference in marginalised people’s lives.

Donations sustain our work with Asylum Seekers & Refugees, and our research into homelessness, domestic violence and social cohesion.